The fireplace at my shack in the mountain west of Byron was the first blog That I did. A starting point from which to bring you a few aspects of my creative existence. This image is the window and ledge that lights up the hearth in the daylight. There are many special specimens here. I was encouraged by a friend the other day to update my blog that had been dormant for about 6 months. Not that I haven't been doing heaps, I have, but my access to the net has been spasmodic. There is a lot to catch up on. I have started with the beginning of the Woodford 0607 images that you can see through the link below and a little of the local winter stuff I have been involved in. So expect some regular updates over the coming weeks as I try to show you all the stuff that has been happening recently. I am still believe in magic, it happens every day.......some days there is just so much to learn. Some of the people I meet just blow me away with all sorts of little things that make my day.......It is a great feeling!