Sunday, August 17, 2008
Once again the 10/4 travelling artshow moves on! This week I have moved to sunny Queensland, to the border town of Goondiwindi. The Border Rivers region is another beautiful part of this vast land offering fantastic visual moments along the river red gum banks of the waterways and the huge sky that is unique to the Australian inland experience. I'm looking forward to working and living in yet another wonderful place on my journeyman artist project and working with local artists on their projects. Stay tuned. Check out Euraba Paper to see what the locals are doing. Cotton crops seem to dominate local agriculture........... Gona jump down, turn around, pick a bale a day!
Other blogs by 10/4
let's clay with fire packaged clay my eyes are crying not me ceramic decals cape byron lighthouse vitrifying the virtual 10/4 mini-books journeys of a cultural drifter journeyman artist exhibition 2008 stations of the kimberley desert nights & stargazing vernacular spectacular shades of hue press - installation woodford 06-07 dingos, dogs & thylacines transcending the transience of happimess book me for being different
Ten Four Technology Journeyman Artist

- tenfour
- ceramics, digital imaging, bookmaking, printmaking, painting, papermaking. Currently involved in JourneyManArtist project to produce panoramic images referencing the journey.