Sunday, July 03, 2005

where i live now

The Kimberley in the north western corner of Australia is an amazing place. I have been working there for the past 2 years gathering material for my current project. (I will preview some of the results here in the near future), In the meantime I would just like to share some images from one of the spectacular geological formations only a short drive from my home. Geikie Gorge (Darngku) is an one of the spectacular places of the Kimberley region. Formed millions of years ago it is an ancient stromatolite reef through which flows the mighty Fitzroy River. Here are a couple of images from a recent trip up the river at sunset.

Ten Four Technology Journeyman Artist

My photo
ceramics, digital imaging, bookmaking, printmaking, painting, papermaking. Currently involved in JourneyManArtist project to produce panoramic images referencing the journey.

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